Friday, August 13, 2010

Moving blog here and creating a site on WordPress

I’m transforming my WordPress journal into more regular site, while moving blog posts here.

Be patient – Satan's Den is under construction!

Monday, April 26, 2010

IRC demonolatry channel

I set lately IRC channel called #demonolatry on DalNet IRC server. I’m not present there 24/7 but often enough – I usually have my IRC client opened when I work on my comp (and that is pretty often). If I’m not there VenusSatanas is watching the channel as co-moderator.

So if you want to talk, ask questions, visit me at: irc://dalnet/demonolatry

Since I’m Theistic Satanist first and Demonolator secondary, my channel focuses on topics related to Theistic Satanism and Demonolatry .

Note: IRC channels are quiet as long as someone isn’t participating actively. Moderators and regular visitors know each other long enough so we don’t talk all the time. We wait for initiative of new comers. So if you intend to lurk there, you will probably wait long. So if you have questions or specific topic on your mind, just say hi and post it. We are not all the time waiting if someone shows up, so most probably you will need to wait patiently a little bit till we respond. That’s how things on IRC usually work. If you use Fierefox, I recommend to install Chatzilla add-on. It’s simple and users friendly, at least comparing to other IRC clients.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

More then a belief

Yesterday I was talking with (non theistic) satanist and was trying shortly to explain my beliefs. Then he answered that it sounded so nice that he was tempted to turn into theistic form of satanism.

That got me thinking. It was never my intention to encourage anyone. And actually there was something wrong in that thought. It should be more than that.

It’s not about the belief like it is usually taken for example in Christianity. It’s something more. I didn’t simply choose theistic satanism. It just happened but definitely not coincidentally. Beside the fact that I had mystical experience with Satan (prior to the belief; in fact I wasn’t believing in his existence before), my whole personality was a match to his vibration and ideas of theistic satanism. It resonated deeply with my inner being. It allowed me to focus on my divine power. It felt (and still feels) right, like my whole life was aiming toward it. When I deliberately decided to embrace it, I finally felt complete like I had reached my goal. I was (and still am) in exactly right place. From this place I can go further in new and better direction. My path had been cleared out, I gained better purpose. I knew where I was standing and knew where I was heading. It gave me power, strong direction and joy of movement.

It is beyond wordy description. Choice was only right step but it was a turning point of my spiritual development. So it was and is never about simple choice of belief. It is continuous mystical experience which is a part of me, part of my soul.

A thought that someone may chose the belief from simple liking sounds plainly wrong. There must be more then just casual preference. Love, destiny, highest spiritual goal. Whatever worlds we may choose to describe it, it must reach the core of your inner being, heart of your soul.