On one of forums I use, an interesting topic has arisen. Someone has written:
“Ok so a while ago in the news there was controversy about a teacher having sex with a 12 year old boy he might have been a little older but anyway it wasnt forced or anything the boy was willing the female was very pretty according to other peoples standards she was in playboy or something and because she is a atractive female they didnt want to put her in jail and because the boy wanted to have sex as well but because of her age and his young age it is illegal if it was a man he would be in jail faster then you can blink.”
My answer was:
I don’t see anything wrong with it if both sides are willing. Hence she was much older she carried responsibility for protection.
I am not sure about realizing consequences… As to going pregnant I said than it is responsibility of the older but about psychic consequences… It really depends on person. I red nonsenses in some books about children staring to discover sexuality in teeny age. It is true for some but others (I am not sure about gender but definitely it is true for males) are sexually “awake” since “always” that means the age 2+ (some say even younger but of course in a different way, they write that even infants experience sexual pleasure). Of course it is not the same as by older persons but many young boys in an age above 10 would react on so opportunity with a scream of joy as above. I am certain that I would had no problem with it even in a much younger age if the partner would be gentle and indulgent. Besides children sometimes plays with their sexuality spontaneous. It couldn’t be called straight sex (mostly) but sometimes very close to it. Would it be seen as a crime too? I think it is completely different case.
It is interesting that handicapped children have no social breaks in that topic so when living together they often could be cached on having sex…
I think that those laws are for protection against abuse because in some cases there would be really better to wait cos psychological consequences are hard to predict but there is no clear and constant borders and human sexuality is probably not enough investigated and covered in cultural codes.
Summarizing, in general I am against treating this as criminal case as long as there is no pressure from any of sides and everything is going by mutual agreement.
I asked in my post about pinging system and finally I saw how it works. I posted this entry with a direct link to Diane’s post and her message received automatically a commentary with a fragment of my post so I assume she will be notified via Email too. Great feature.
[...] Network: more about the draft of rulesPunkwolf on Punkwolf’s commentary on the tags and the rulesTS BN rules discussion « Zalbarath’s Notes on Theistic Satanism Blog Network: draft of rules, etc.Diane Vera on Theistic Satanism Blog [...]
Zalbarath’s commentary « Diane Vera said this on June 14, 2007 at 1:15 am |
Hi Zarabeth,
I can see its going to take a lot of getting used to the Blog comments format. I read Diane’s WordPress Blog and it is a bit disorienting with all these words everywhere. Messing looking and the left sideboard with the commennts are all run together and only stand out when you point over them and they are highlited.
I am rather of your opinion that it may take quite some time to get others who want to put time into learning and wanting to use the Blog networks as de facto forums.
I’ll take a look at Google’s Blogs and commenting and see if it is a bit more orderly looking.
One thing I may want to learn is to get Blog posts and comments thru an RSS reader. They all come there and you can answer them just like getting digests or posts in your email like from Yahoo groups. Wading over these Blogs just is not all that fun or clear at first. I can see that.
I like the Euro group on Yahoo but I haven’t visited for a while. I like your Blog here and am going to make one too and see how I like it.
I think Diane’s long page of rules is detailed and good for guidelines in running one’s Blog as it will tend to keep peace in general in the posting dept. I think it seems pretty simple to decide what tags one posts should have. One’s own blog could be pretty lenient on the comments and there should not be that much moderation involved.
Take care,
Thanks for the comment.
As to RSS feeds I know what is the basic idea but I’ve never used it so I’m not sure how it works in practice.
I agree that one need a time to get use to a maintaining the blog. It took me over one week to know what and where and subscribing to Yahoo groups is a matter of few seconds and it works as I want. It’s a big advantage in comparing to blog but will see if the idea will be successful.
I saw your blog but unfortunately I haven’t got enough time to read everything carefully but I will eventually so we’ll see you there